USAA is a Proud Sponsor of the USCG Day

CWO3 Kenneth Collins
Jan 3, 2024
The Coast Guard Golf team will compete in the 2024 Armed Forces Sports (AFS) Golf Championship at Patrick Space Force Base, FL, from 4-15 March.
ALCGPSC 004/24
A. Coast Guard Morale, Well-Being, and Recreation Manual, COMDTINST M1710.13 (series)
1. The Coast Guard Golf team will compete in the 2024 Armed Forces Sports (AFS) Golf Championship at Patrick Space Force Base, FL, from 4-15 March. Coast Guard Sports will host a Service Qualifier from 4-10 March to select the six men and three women to represent the Coast Guard.
2. Participation is open to all active duty members and reservists on active duty orders. Members wishing to participate must submit the online golf questionnaire and command-endorsed sports application with a resume focused on the following conditions:
a. Previous All-Navy or Armed Forces golf experience.
b. Advanced level tournament experience governed by USGA rules (USGA championships, state/regional golf association championships, collegiate, etc.).
c. Handicap with a GHIN number.
d. Other notable experiences.
3. All applicants must complete the golf questionnaire while awaiting their sports application command endorsement. Access the questionnaire and download the sports application through the following links.
a. CG Golf questionnaire:
b. CG Sports application:
4. Team management will review questionnaires to select members to compete in the Service Qualifier for a chance to represent the Coast Guard in the 11-15 March Armed Forces Golf Championship. All members must have a favorable command endorsement by the published deadline in paragraph seven.
5. In addition, athletes chosen to represent the Coast Guard will compete for a roster position on the All-Armed Forces Golf team to represent the Nation in the International Military Sports (CISM) Championship. CISM is the second largest multi-sport discipline organization after the International Olympic Committee.
6. Per reference (A), commands are encouraged to support AFS participation. Competing on an Armed Forces team brings credit to our service members and the United States military while presenting valuable recruiting and retention opportunities.
7. Command-endorsed applications must be routed to the CG Sports Office by 9 February 2024 to allow time for player invitations and travel arrangements. Submit command concerns and applications to the AFS Service Rep: CWO3 Kenneth Collins;
8. The Community Services Command (CSC) will fund members selected to try out and represent the Coast Guard Golf team in the Armed Forces Championship.
9. Released: RDML R. E. Dash, Commander, Personnel Service Center, sends.
10. Internet release authorized.