USAA is a Proud Sponsor of the USCG Day

CWO3 Kenneth Collins
Oct 15, 2024
This announcement solicits nominations for the Elite Male and Female Athletes of the Year (EAOY) for 2024. The period of consideration is 1 Jan 2024 through 31 Dec 2024. Nominations must arrive at the Community Services Command (CSC) no later than 17 Jan 2025.
ALCGPSC 137/24
A. Coast Guard Morale, Well-Being and Recreation Manual, COMDTINST M1710.13 (series)
1. Annually, the Coast Guard recognizes elite male and female athletes for excellence in their chosen sport(s). These athletes demonstrate exceptional professionalism in their primary duties and community service, making them outstanding role models. This program is a perfect opportunity for commands to recognize the hard work and dedication of active duty Coast Guard members who have achieved the highest levels of athletic performance.
2. This announcement solicits nominations for the Elite Male and Female Athletes of the Year (EAOY) for 2024. The period of consideration is 1 Jan 2024 through 31 Dec 2024. Nominations must arrive at the Community Services Command (CSC) no later than 17 Jan 2025.
3. To nominate an athlete, the chain of command submits a one-page memorandum and the EAOY slide deck to CSC. The slide deck aligns with the award criteria and is the only acceptable format. Do not add or delete any slides from the template. The nomination package should be sent to CSC from the unit commanding officer or officer-in-charge, focusing on the year of eligibility. No other feedback will be required or considered.
4. All nominations must be submitted using the EAOY templates available at:
5. Commands must address the following criteria, as applicable:
a. Athletic Achievements: Describe events, times, competitions, finishes, records, or other notable acts that characterize an elite athlete.
b. Professional Achievements: Describe competencies, collateral duties, education, leadership, or other unique factors in one's professional capacity or development.
c. Community Service: Describe actions that contribute to the betterment of an organization, community, group, or affiliation. While community service is not a requirement, the positive influences might benefit during the selection process.
d. Uniform Appearance: Provide a photograph of the athlete wearing the Service Dress uniform. Athletes should find a suitable background when capturing the photo. If your athlete is selected, CSC will advertise the image through social media and publish it on the MWR website.
e. Action Photos: Provide a photograph or photographs of the athlete in competition or training. There is no limit to the number of photos. Arrange pictures as favored in the slide allotted.
6. High-quality images may cause the file size to exceed email accessibility. DoD SAFE is a tool for sending large files and may be used to submit nomination packages. The interface allows you to exchange unclassified files up to 8.0 gigabytes and is accessible at:
7. Submit questions, command concerns, and command endorsed packages to the CSC MWR POC: CWO3 Kenneth Collins;
8. RDML Z. Merchant, Commander, Personnel Service Center (CG-PSC), sends.
9. Internet release authorized.