USAA is a Proud Sponsor of the USCG Day

CWO4 Russell Beaty
Nov 2, 2022
Thanks to the generosity of the CGF SMF, Coast Guard units have acquired exercise, morale, and recreational equipment that has greatly improved the quality of life for Coast Guard personnel and their families.
ALCGPSC 139/22
1. Thanks to the generosity of the CGF SMF, Coast Guard units have acquired exercise, morale, and recreational equipment that has greatly improved the quality of life for Coast Guard personnel and their families.
2. Each Designated Regional MWR Director is required to validate that the units in their area of responsibility (AOR) still want the requested items from the approved 2022-2023 SMF request list. If the unit does not desire their SMF items, they will be removed from the list and can apply next year when the SMF solicitation comes out. The importance of validating the list cannot be overstated. Once a donor is found, it reflects badly if we have to go back and say that the unit does not want the item anymore. Submissions must be made using the Excel spreadsheet that will be labeled by AOR, found at the following web site:
a. MWR Directors should line through any line items that were funded and any line items that are no longer wanted by units.
b. No items or units may be added to this current list as the list has already been through Coast Guard gift acceptance protocols and approved by the Vice Commandant.
3. To align with the CGF's request to consolidate these requests at the District level, the Bases listed in paragraph 5 must consolidate all requests from units within their respective AORs to include Sectors, Districts, Areas, and HQ units. Base MWR Directors have been briefed and are available for consultation on the SMF processes. Base Commanding Officers should review the list with their respective District and must provide their finalized lists through District POC to the Community Services Command (CSC) NLT 25 November 2022. CSC will consolidate submissions and forward to the CGF.
4. Organization of the list shall remain in sequential order.
5. POC MWR Directors by district:
D1/Base Boston: CIV Jennifer Young,, (617) 223-3467
D5/Base Portsmouth: CIV Jeff Wapner,, (757) 483-8671
D7/Base Miami: CIV Stephen Ondriezek,, (305) 535-4564
D8/Base New Orleans: CWO Robert Arseneaux,, (504) 253-4795
D9/Base Cleveland: CWO Megan Johnson,, (216) 902-6282
D11/Base Alameda: CIV Laurie Capp-Carter,, (510) 437-3579
D13/Base Seattle: CIV James Graddy,, (206) 217-6357
D14/Base Honolulu: CIV Neil Morgan,, (808) 842-2953
D17/Base Kodiak: CIV Joseph Dermer,, (907) 487-5390
6. Districts will notify units whose items are selected for funding by email or message. The CSC point of contact is CWO Russell Beaty, email: Units, commands, and other interested stakeholders are not authorized to contact the CGF directly about this message.
7. Released: RDML D. C. Barata, Commander, Personnel Service Center, sends.
8. Internet release is authorized.